Staff scientists at HLRS are involved in dozens of funded collaborative research projects, working closely with academic and industrial partners from across Europe to address key problems facing the future of high-performance computing. Many of these projects also involve applied research to address global challenges where HPC can provide new kinds of practical solutions. In addition, HLRS is leading multiple international projects focused on increasing HPC expertise across Europe.
The 3xa project will develop scalable methods for the simulation of three-body interactions in particle systems, applying vectorized kernels, dynamic load balancing approaches and adaptive resolution schemata.
The AI Alliance Baden-Württemberg aims to develop a data platform for AI-relevant data exchange among academic and industrial stakeholders.
This project coordinates support for HPC users in Baden-Württemberg and the implementation of related measures and activities, including data intensive computing and large-scale scientific data management.
CASTIEL 2 facilitates collaboration among the EuroCC 2 National Competence Centers and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Centers of Excellence, promoting the development of HPC expertise and the adoption of leading codes across Europe.
The Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD will improve European state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics algorithms to prepare them for efficient performance on exascale supercomputers.
Focusing on critical applications for the prediction of geohazards, the Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth aims to become a hub for HPC software within the solid earth community.
This study will assess potential applications of high-performance computing (HPC) in crisis situations, and what organizational procedures are needed to ensure that HPC resources are immediately available.
DECICE is developing an open and portable cloud management framework that will enable the automatic and adaptive optimization of software applications for heterogeneous computing architectures.
EE-HPC is testing an approach for improving energy efficiency in HPC systems by automatically regulating system parameters and settings based on current job requirements.
Supported by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, EuroCC 2 manages a European network of National Competence Centers (NCC) for high-performance computing and related technologies, promoting a common level of expertise across the participating countries.