Call for Contributions: AISyS 2024 Special Track on HPC-AI Convergence

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AISyS 2024 takes place on September 29 – October 4, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Image: Adobe Stock

Researchers are invited to submit papers, posters, and demonstrations for this upcoming conference in Venice, Italy.

The convergence of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has unlocked unparalleled opportunities for scientific discovery, engineering innovation, and operational optimization.

A special track at the upcoming First International Conference on AI-Based Systems and Services (AISyS 2024) focuses on the synergistic integration of these two powerful technologies, exploring how HPC can leverage AI to enhance system performance and efficiency and how AI can harness the immense computational capabilities of HPC to tackle increasingly complex modelling and simulation challenges.

AISyS 2024 takes place on September 29 – October 4, 2024 in Venice, Italy. The deadline for submission of contributions is August 14, 2024.

The special track on HPC-AI convergence is being organized by Dennis Hoppe, Head of the Department of Converged Computing at HLRS, and Prof. Dr. Michael Resch, Director of HLRS. The organizers invite contributions on topics including, but not limited to:

HPC using AI

  • AI-integrated simulations for scientific and engineering applications
  • Distributed data processing for advanced simulations
  • AI-driven optimization techniques for HPC applications
  • Enhancing cybersecurity in HPC systems through AI
  • Strengthening HPC services with AI capabilities (e.g., anomaly detection)
  • Evaluating the impacts of HPC and AI convergence on science, engineering, economy, and society
  • Strategic planning, policy, regulatory, and future technological developments in AI and HPC


  • Scaling AI algorithms on HPC systems
  • HPC-integrated AI workflows on cloud and edge platforms
  • Distributed data processing, data management, and AI frameworks on HPC
  • Real-time data processing and analytics on HPC
  • Ensuring AI reproducibility (e.g., with containers) without compromising performance
  • Emerging software and hardware architectures (e.g., DPUs, APUs) for AI workflows on HPC
  • Addressing cybersecurity concerns for HPC centers regarding AI

Contribution types and deadlines

The special track invites contributions of regular papers, short papers, posters, presentations, and demonstrations.

The deadline for submission is August 14, 2024. Additional submission guidelines and deadlines are available on the conference website.

Submission guidelines and additional information

Click here for complete information about the special track on AI-HPC Convergence.

AISyS 2024 conference website