User Research

High-performance computing has become essential for advanced research across the basic sciences and engineering, making it possible to study extremely complex problems that would be impossible to investigate in any other way. Learn how scientists are using HLRS's computing resources for discovery and to develop new technologies.

CARo – Computational Aeroacoustics of Rotors

Validating CFD with Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

When Porous Media Meets Turbulence

Revealing the Dynamics of Flames by Tracking Material Points in Highly Resolved Simulations

21st Century Climate in Africa: Regional Climate Simulations with COSMO-CLM


Direct Numerical Simulations of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers

Active Friction Drag Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow

Direct Numerical Simulation of an Impinging Jet at Re=10,000

Compressible Multi-Phase Flow at Extreme Ambient Conditions

Towards the Simulation of the Flow Phenomena at a Helicopter Rotor Using a High-order Method

WRF Simulations to Investigate Processes Across Scales (WRFSCALE)