Photo Huan Zhou

Dr.-Ing. Huan Zhou

Research Scientist

Dr. Huan Zhou was qualified for a PhD candidate in the HLRS Department of Scalable Programming Models and Tools, focusing her research on the design of an efficient (data locality-aware) and portable runtime system (in C) for the higher-level PGAS model. This runtime system provides easy-to-use interfaces for the user and is internally implemented based on the MPI communication layer.

After completing her PhD with honors in 2016, Dr. Zhou started research on performance analysis and optimization with the aid of performance tools. She joined the HLRS Department of Numerical Methods and Libraries in 2018.

In addition to the research fields described above, she is currently engaged in the employment of the conception of parallelization in solving real-world problems on HPC systems. This can be achieved by harnessing multi-threaded (i.e. OpenMP), MPI, or PGAS programming models.