User Research

High-performance computing has become essential for advanced research across the basic sciences and engineering, making it possible to study extremely complex problems that would be impossible to investigate in any other way. Learn how scientists are using HLRS's computing resources for discovery and to develop new technologies.

Allosteric Regulation of the Human Proteasome

Defect-Induced Phenomena in Perovskites under Realistic External Conditions (DEFTD)

Computational Chemistry for Advanced Functionalization of Inorganic Surfaces

Wall-Resolved Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Flows in Turbomachines

Molecular Simulations of Enzymes Under Reaction Conditions

Terra-Neo: Towards Earth Mantle Convection Simulation with Hierarchical Hybrid Multigrid Solvers

Numerical Simulation of Impinging Jets

Hadronic Contributions to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon from Lattice QCD

Large Eddy Simulation of a Complete Francis Turbine

Shock-Related Buffeting in Aeroplanes

Numerical Simulation of Primary Break-up in Spray Painting Processes

Nucleon Properties from First Principles