The Train the Trainer Program is provided in conjunction with the regular course Parallel Programming Workshop (MPI, OpenMP and Advanced Topics). Whereas the regular course teaches parallel programming, this program is designed to train future trainers in parallel programming.
Too few people can offer parallel programming courses at the level needed by scientists and PhD students who want to learn how to parallelize a sequential application or to improve parallel applications. Within Europe, only a few HPC centres provide such courses at European or national level. We would like to support additional trainers and centres to also deliver such courses throughout Europe or at least in their own countries.
This course is a joint training event of HLRS and EuroCC@GCS, the German National Competence Centres for High-Performance Computing.
HLRS, University of Stuttgart Nobelstraße 19 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Room 0.439 / Rühle Saal Location and nearby accommodations
Oct 14, 2024 08:15
Oct 18, 2024 17:30
Stuttgart, Germany
Parallel Programming
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You are familiar with parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP on an advanced level and skilled in both programming languages C and Fortran (or Python for the MPI part).
Your goal: You want to provide MPI and OpenMP courses for other scientists and PhD students in your country, i.e., you would like to at least provide the first three days of the regular course as a training block-course.
Your centre (see "Background" here below) is affiliated to one National Competence Centre (NCC) of EuroCC.
(a) Your centre supports you to provide such PhD courses at your centre and has access to an HPC resource that allows MPI and OpenMP programming in C and Fortran (or Python for the MPI part). To this purpose, a centre may send two or three TtT participants together to this course. Additionally, you may have already participated as a regular participant in one of our other courses, so that you are already familiar with all the exercises.
Or (b), you as a future trainer would like to co-operate with a centre with the necessary course infrastructure in your country.
What does this Train the Trainer Program provide?
The Train the Trainer Program includes the curriculum from Monday until Friday according to the course agenda. The Train the Trainer Program starts on Monday with a short introductory meeting at 8:15 am. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday we will have a short review/discussion meeting after the course. On Thursday evening we will have an additional meeting and dinner for all participants of this TtT program. On Friday, we will wrap up with a short review at the end (17:00-17:30).
Additional prerequisites:
Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner
This course provides scientific training in Computational Science for the future trainers.
Besides the content of the training itself, an important aspect of this event is the scientific exchange among the participants. We try to facilitate such communication by
Please be informed that recomendations according to the Occupational Safety and Health Measures of the University of Stuttgart at the time of event and additional rules might be applied.
Register via the button at the top of this page and complete the "required application letter" as explained below.
After registration:
Registration closes on September 23, 2024 (extended registration phase).
The following applies only to accepted participants according to the Prerequisites above.
Students without Master's degree or equivalent. Participants from EU or EuroCC countries only: 0 EUR PhD students or employees at a German university or public research institute: 0 EUR PhD students or employees at a university or public research institute in an EU or EuroCC country other than Germany: 0 EUR. Other participants, e.g., from industry, other public service providers, or government. Participants from EU or EuroCC countries only: 0 EUR
Our course fee includes coffee breaks (in classroom courses only).
For lists of EU and EuroCC countries have a look at the Horizon Europe and EuroCC website.
Only participants from institutions belonging to these countries can take part in this course.
Khatuna Kakhiani phone 0711 685 65796, khatuna.kakhiani(at)
Maksym Deliyergiyev phone 0711 685 87261, maksym.deliyergiyev(at)
HLRS is part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), together with JSC in Jülich and LRZ in Garching near Munich. EuroCC@GCS is the German National Competence Centre (NCC) for High-Performance Computing. HLRS is also a member of the Baden-Württemberg initiative bwHPC.
This course is provided within the framework of EuroCC2 and the bwHPC training program. and
See the training overview and the Supercomputing Academy pages.
February 17 - 21, 2025
March 17 - 21, 2025
Dresden, Germany
April 01 - 04, 2025
Mainz, Germany
April 08 - 09, 2025
May 05 - 08, 2025
May 09 - 23, 2025
Hybrid Event - Stuttgart, Germany
June 16 - 17, 2025
June 17 - 18, 2025