Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFD Simulation - Courtesy Harald Klimach (DLR)

The course introduces into established numerical methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics in the context of high performance computing. An emphasis is placed on explicit methods for compressible flows, but also numerical methods and considerations for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are discussed. Additional topics are higher order discretizations for the solution of systems of partial differential equations and the Lattice Boltzmann method. The last day is dedicated to parallelization.

Hands-on sessions will manifest the contents of the lectures and train the use of cluster systems for parallel simulations. In most of these sessions the tools from the APES-Suite will be used. They cover grid generation with Seeder,
visualization with ParaView and the usage of parallel CFD solvers Ateles and Musubi on the local HPC system.

The course is organized the University of Stuttgart (IAG and HLRS) and DLR (Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualisation).


HLRS, University of Stuttgart
Nobelstraße 19
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Room 0.439 / Rühle Saal
Location and nearby accommodations


16. Sep 2024


20. Sep 2024






Domain-spezifische Kurse



Numerische Strömungsmechanik

Numerische Methoden

Numerische Simulation

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Prerequisites and content levels

  • Basic knowledge of partial differential equations and physics.
  • The working environment is a cluster system, for which experience with shell and Unix is recommended.
  • Familiarity with discretization schemes of ODEs is recommended, but not required.
  • Preliminary experience with Python is recommended, but not required. Since Python is used, the following tutorial can be used to learn the syntax.
Content levels

Community-target and domain-specific content: 30 hours

Learn more about course curricula and content levels.

Learning outcomes

After this course, participants will:

  • have gained a basic overview of CFD methods,
  • know and be able to implement different types of flow applications and suitable numerical methods,
  • be able to use HPC systems to perform CFD simulations,
  • be able to estimate and evaluate the performace via important factors of parallel execution.


Dr.-Ing. Harald Klimach (main instructor), Dr.-Ing. Neda Ebrahimi Pour, Dr.-Ing. Kannan Masilamani. Also authors: Jana Gericke, M.Sc., Raphael Haupt, M.Sc. (DLR, SP);
Anna Schwarz, M.Sc. tbc (IAG, Uni. Stuttgart);
Dr. Andreas Waldmann (formerly IAG, Uni. Stuttgart);
Dr. Albert Ruprecht (formerly IHS, Uni. Stuttgart);
Dr.-Ing. Martin Bernreuther (HLRS, Uni. Stuttgart)


Updated detailed program.

Handout and course material

Each participant will get the pdf of all slides and, upon request, a paper copy.

Further course material will be updated during the course at this link.

Slides, exercises and recordings of the spring 2024 ONLINE course are always available at our self-study materials.


Register via the button at the top of this page.
We encourage you to register to the waiting list if the course is full. Places might become available.

Registration closes on Sunday, September 1st, 2024 (extended registration phase).

Late registrations after the registration phase are still possible according to the course capacity.


  • 40 Euro: Students without master’s degree or equivalent
  • 90 Euro: PhD students or employees at a German university or public research institute
  • 180 Euro: PhD students or employees at a university or public research institute in an EU, EU-associated or PRACE country other than Germany
  • 360 Euro: PhD students or employees at a university or public research institute outside of EU, EU-associated or PRACE countries
  • 960 Euro: Other participants, e.g., from industry, other public service providers, or government

Link to the EU and EU-associated (Horizon Europe), and PRACE countries.

Our course fees include coffee breaks (in on-site courses).

HLRS concept for on-site courses

Besides the content of the training itself, an important aspect of this event is the scientific exchange among the participants. We try to facilitate such communication by

  • a social event on the evening of the first course day,
  • possibily further events such as a visit to the HLRS CAVE and server room,
  • offering common coffee and lunch breaks and
  • working together in groups of two during the exercises.

Lunch Breaks

We plan to have lunch in the unversity's canteen (Mensa Stuttgart-Vaihingen, have a look at their menu online). Two other near possibilities for lunch are on all days:

  • A food truck from 11:00-14:00 in Allmandring 35, approximately 300 m from HLRS,
  • Bakery Sehne, near bus stop "Im Lauchhau", approximately 400 m from HLRS.

We will update this information if opening times etc. change and inform you more precisely before the course starts.


Lorenzo Zanon, phone 0711 685 63824, training(at)

HLRS Training Collaborations in HPC

HLRS is part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), together with JSC in Jülich and LRZ in Garching near Munich. EuroCC@GCS is the German National Competence Centre (NCC) for High-Performance Computing. HLRS is also a member of the Baden-Württemberg initiative bwHPC.

This course is provided within the framework of the bwHPC training program.

Further courses

See the training overview and the Supercomputing Academy pages.

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Alle Trainingskurse

September 23 - Oktober 31, 2024

Online (flexible)